Diesel Generator Controller Error Codes - XN-GEN.COM

Diesel Generator Controller Error Codes

This document provides a comprehensive list of error codes for the diesel generator controller. Each code is presented in numerical order with its corresponding parameter and description. All auxiliary output settings must be configured via a dedicated RS232 or USB communication module, and the PC must have the ComAp LiteEdit software installed to connect to the controller.

1. Primary Controller Functions and Status Signals (Codes 1–41)

Code Parameter Description
1 Not Used Not used
2 Starter Starter motor
3 Fuel Solenoid Fuel valve
4 Stop Solenoid Shutdown valve
5 Stop Pulse Momentary stop pulse
6 Ignition Ignition system
7 Prestart Preheat until successful start
8 Cooling Pump Cooling pump operation
9 Idle/Nominal Idle/nominal speed
10 Air Valves Air valves
11 Alarm Alarm indicator
12 Horn Horn/Buzzer
13 GCB Close/Open GCB close/open command
14 GCB ON Coil GCB (close) pulse
15 GCB OFF Coil GCB (open) pulse
16 GCB UV Coil GCB undervoltage coil
17 Ready Ready status
18 Ready To Load Ready to load status
19 Running Running status
20 Cooling Cooling in progress
21 Supplying Load Load being supplied
22 Fault Reset Fault reset
23 Gen Healthy Generator parameters normal
24 Exerc Timer 1 Exercise timer 1
25 Exerc Timer 2 Exercise timer 2
26 Glow Plugs Glow plug preheating
27 Fuel Pump External fuel pump
28 Συντήρηση Next maintenance date
29 Ctrl Heart Beat Controller heartbeat (vibration)
30 Mode OFF Off mode
31 Mode MAN Manual mode
32 Mode AUT Automatic mode
33 AL D+ Fail Alternator charger fault
34 AL Gen > V Generator overvoltage alarm
35 AL Gen < V Generator undervoltage alarm
36 AL Gen Volts Generator voltage fault
37 AL Gen Freq Generator frequency fault
38 AL Gen > Freq Generator low frequency alarm
39 AL Gen < Freq Generator high frequency alarm
40 AL Overload Sd Overload warning shutdown
41 AL Stop Fail Shutdown failure

2. Auxiliary Alarm and Warning Signals (Codes 42–55)

Code Parameter Description
42 AL Overspeed Overspeed alarm
43 AL Underspeed Underspeed alarm
44 AL Start Fail Start failure alarm
45 AL Overcurrent Overcurrent alarm
46 AL Battery Fail Battery failure alarm
47 AL Common Wrn Common warning
48 AL Common Sd Common shutdown
49 AL Common Fls Common pre-alarm (fault signal)
50 AL AI1 Sd Oil pressure shutdown alarm
51 AL AI1 Wrn Oil pressure warning alarm
52 AL AI2 Sd Coolant temperature shutdown alarm
53 AL AI2 Wrn Coolant temperature warning alarm
54 AL AI3 Sd Fuel shutdown alarm
55 AL AI3 Wrn Fuel warning alarm

3. Digital Input (BI) Status Signals (Codes 56–61)

Code Parameter Description
56 BI1 Status Corresponding BI1 is active
57 BI2 Status Corresponding BI2 is active
58 BI3 Status Corresponding BI3 is active
59 BI4 Status Corresponding BI4 is active
60 BI5 Status Corresponding BI5 is active
61 BI6 Status Corresponding BI6 is active

4. IOM Digital Input Status Signals (Codes 62–69)

Code Parameter Description
62 IOM BI1 Status Corresponding IOM BI1 is active
63 IOM BI2 Status Corresponding IOM BI2 is active
64 IOM BI3 Status Corresponding IOM BI3 is active
65 IOM BI4 Status Corresponding IOM BI4 is active
66 IOM BI5 Status Corresponding IOM BI5 is active
67 IOM BI6 Status Corresponding IOM BI6 is active
68 IOM BI7 Status Corresponding IOM BI7 is active
69 IOM BI8 Status Corresponding IOM BI8 is active

5. IOM Alarm/Warning Signals (Codes 70–77)

Code Parameter Description
70 AL IOM AI1 Wrn IOM AI1 warning signal
71 AL IOM AI2 Wrn IOM AI2 warning signal
72 AL IOM AI3 Wrn IOM AI3 warning signal
73 AL IOM AI4 Wrn IOM AI4 warning signal
74 AL IOM AI1 Sd IOM AI1 shutdown signal
75 AL IOM AI2 Sd IOM AI2 shutdown signal
76 AL IOM AI3 Sd IOM AI3 shutdown signal
77 AL IOM AI4 Sd IOM AI4 shutdown signal

6. ECU Communication and Status Signals (Codes 78–82)

Code Parameter Description
78 ECU Comm OK ECU communication normal
79 ECU Comm Error ECU communication error
80 ECU Yellow Lamp ECU yellow indicator lamp
81 ECU Red Lamp ECU red indicator lamp
82 ECU Power Relay ECU power relay



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